Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Fwd: Happy New Year!

I wrote this to a missionary and decided it was sufficiently important to forward on. 
Happy hunting! 
William Kevin Black

Hi! :D I wanted to write you on something that's pretty important: 

How to Know if You're a 'Good' Missionary 

First off, there are two main kinds of 'good': doing what you're supposed to and doing it for the right reasons.
If you're following the White Handbook as best you can and doing the minimum bar of what you're supposed to, then you're doing what God needs done in your field, and should feel good that you're doing God's work. You don't need to, and shouldn't try to set some higher bar, like waking up an hour early, or harming yourself in any similar way to try to be 'better'. Just do what is asked of you. Follow the rules, and God will use you as he needs you. Sometimes he'll inspire you with a specific door of someone who is ready to be baptised, and sometimes He'll let you knock entire streets to help build your resolve to do what's right. Depends on the day, the agency of your people, and your own agency and needs. 

But like Moroni 7:6+ says, you can give a gift for the wrong reasons. The recipient will get all the same blessings, but the giver will not. The true blessings of obedience are a change within yourself. God's work will be done so long as the missionaries aren't actively working to destroy it (I have oodles of stories of heavily disobedient missionaries who baptised more than I did). But so long as you aren't trying to become a son of perdition by crucifying Christ anew and tearing down his church through the power of the devil, OBEDIENCE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BAPTISMS. *cough* Just thought it deserves a good bit more emphasis. No matter how much you pray, fast, work, bleed, you cannot change another's agency. To say otherwise is fundamentally against the plan of salvation. That's not to say they won't help, but they won't be the deciding factor—it always comes down to the individual: They're either willing to accept or not, and it's usually fairly black and white. Less actives return when they're ready. God will inspire the missionaries in between to do what He wants them to do to help, but it's always up to the individuals whether they're going to be kind and open or harsh and closed. 

Here are some things that helped me to feel successful: 

#1 Get spiritual witnesses for as many things as you can. 
Ask God how many people he wants you to reach in an area / in a week / in a day / on a street. Getting this specific revelation was something that really motivated me to go out each day—I knew that there were still people He wanted me to find in an area, still people He wanted me to reach. There were many times that I'd be demotivated and I prayed, asking God if He had anyone on the current street for us. If I felt the answer Yes, I'd be happier and more motivated. If the answer was no, then I'd pray with my companion about where to go from there, because there's no point being somewhere if there's no one to reach there. Often, He wanted us to only share a simple message with strangers—the huge majority of people are not ready to be baptised or to truly listen to our discussions. Sometimes people only needed a smile and a hello. 
Make it the goal of your personal studies to get spiritual witnesses. It's 1000% better for your soul to get a single spiritual witness than to read the entire quad. I only read the Book of Mormon one or two times on my mission because quantity was not my goal—quality was. That being said, people have different needs, so it's more important for some people to read more, quantity-wise, while it's not as important for others. With one couple I taught, the man didn't get a witness until he had read the entire BoM and started the D&C. The other only needed a few chapters of the BoM to convince her. They're both solidly active members of the church in Scotland now. :) 
If you're feeling down and wondering whether you're doing well, just ask God. He'll answer. If you use any other metric other than inspiration to judge yourself, you'll ultimately get exhausted. Ask and ye shall receive—it's a literal promise. :)

#2 Make it your goal to follow the Spirit. My goal as a missionary wasn't to 'be a good missionary'—it was to be a good Saint by following the Spirit as closely as possible. This has given me a much happier life, and made the transition home nearly seamless. Since my goal was to follow the Spirit, when I got a witness that yes, I was supposed to come home and do work with my friends and family at home, I wasn't as sad about leaving Scotland—I knew where God wanted me, and I chose to go. If your goal is to follow the mission rules perfectly, you'll get tired and agitated, because you'll never follow them 100.0% perfectly. That's not to say you shouldn't strive for 99% and make at least 95% your standard—it's just saying be OK with not being 100% perfect—God doesn't expect any of us to be perfect. He cares MUCH more about us not trying than about us failing. :) And if your goal is to follow the Spirit rather than to follow rules, you can be confident that you're doing what God wants you to be doing, because you'll be following His instructions the entire time! :) 

That's what really made me happy on my mission. That and controlling my thoughts by consciously replacing negative, self-doubting, self-deprecating lies with truths from God. But that's the answer to a different question. 
Love you! Good luck with your mission! If you have any questions or problems, I'd love to give my 2¢ about it. :) 
Cheers! :D 

William Kevin Black

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Longest Day of my Mission

Was 8 July 2015. The day I flew home. Technically speaking, it was the longest day, seeing as the plane went along with the sun. XD ahahah
Anywho. It's been brilliant. I have loved being a missionary, and really am looking forward to the next phases of my life, getting to help out my friends and family, rather than the people of the British Isles alone.

I'm so grateful for all of you who wrote me, those of you who read my letters, and even for those of you who didn't write me or really read my letters (probably including this one) but thought of me, and still love and care for me. So thanks!!

Technically speaking, I'm still a missionary today, as the Stake Presidency (the guys who say officially "You're done!") are all away with the youth of our church on a handcart trek, so I'll be released tomorrow morning.

I got to go to the temple this morning, which was an amazing experience, after not having been for two years, and after having been born again. I saw the whole experience through new eyes, and suddenly it became much more meaningful. I loved it so much.

Not gonna lie - it's pretty weird being home. I think it was my sister who said Everything is the same, besides you. Amen to that...

Hope you're all keeping well! Love you all! Cheers!
 Elder William Kevin Black

>For future contact, use my home email,
>If you would still like to receive weekly emails, please reply in affirmative below!

Fwd: Final Photo

Our final moments at the mission home.
~ What 'er thou art, act well thy part ~

Monday, June 29, 2015

Wild Cow Attack!

As we were driving on a peripheral road, this cow was casualy strolling around. As we slowed down as we neared it, it jumped, rotated 90° and yelled at us! We nearly thought it was going to charge us. XD ahahah but it casually strolled off to the side afterwards. :) 

 Elder William Kevin Black

Burns Night

Not only will I miss the fourth of July, but I'll miss the bonfires on The Twelfth. :c 

 Elder William Kevin Black

"The purpose of life

is to increase our resolve to choose good over evil." in other words, to choose to follow (live up to) Light and Truth. There is no such a physical thing as darkness, but there is such a physical thing as evil - evil is a misapplication of Light - choosing not to follow it. Conversely, righteousness is a proper application of Light - choosing to live up to truth. Thus, a choice is necessary for us to be able to do righteousness, which is why agency is necessary. 
It's in the choice of good (or, application of light) that it is incorporated into our nature. We must have chances to apply something for it to be able to become part of our nature, by definition. Just by having a knowledge alone does not make something our nature - it simply cannot be part of our nature without a chance for application - without being able to look at our track record and see that yes, we will choose right - it is our nature - it is who we are. 
As light (or truth) is only applicable (vs a lack of light) our progression in life is dependent upon how much light we choose to incorporate (literally - take into our beings). That is why, after the resurrection, the degree of glory we receive is judged by our works - those of us who have attempted to incorporate light will go to varying places depending on the degree of light we choose to incorporate. Only if we choose 100% light can we achieve Celestial glory - we cannot have the attitude: it's good enough / it's not that bad if I... / I'm not going to go to hell if I ... -> these attitudes are attitudes of the Terrestrial kingdom, not the Celestial. 

That's a wee summary of the things I've been mulling over recently. :) Hope you all can get something from it! 

This has been a stellar week! We've got Serena lined up for baptism on this Saturday! She's a miracle and a half, and has such powerful resolve. She practically gave up ecigs overnight! It's amazing to see her resolve, and we're so grateful to know her. :) She's really nice as well, and the members have been stellar in being good friends. 

Love you all! Hope you're keeping well! :D Just remember that trials are given us to grow - without trials, we would not progress
 Elder William Kevin Black

An excerpt from some of my thoughts on people having trials: 
Well, God must love you. :) I've been growing in my understanding of the necessity of trials for growth - the more trials we are given, the greater chance we have to grow. We cannot assimilate Light into our nature without trials - physical trials, trials of faith, trials of emotion, trials of mind - without trials, we'd never grow, and the plan of salvation would be frustrated. "The purpose of life it so increase our resolve to choose good over evil" i.e. to choose Light/Truth. I've really been growing to know this for myself. 

"are there times when [we have to do things on our own]?" Yᴇs. Absolutely. We cannot learn to walk like our Father without Him setting us on our own feet. The plan of the devil was to be carried the entire way - we wouldn't learn, we would merely move. The purpose of life is to learn to apply light, even when it's not evident, therefore, we need times in which we can't see the light, and are left on our own. 
At least, those are the first thoughts that come to mind. 
We rely on God too much when we fail to seek and follow inspiration, and desire for him to carry us. My baby sister would often cry: Up! asking us to carry her - but she must learn to walk on her own! Yes, she must be carried and lifted sometimes, but we cannot force inspiration - if God's not pointing the way clearly, we must act in faith. Without acting in faith, our resolve to follow Light would never grow! Thus God must leave us to our own sometimes, else our faith would not grow. Faith is living, like every Christlike attribute, and therefore must be exercised, not merely given. 
[ . . . ]
I'd say the bottom line with relying on God is this: Always ask Him first for guidance, but don't stand paralyzed if you don't get a clear answer. 
Also, just like a tree needs {water, sun, dirt}, we need {application, inspiration, scriptures (including past revelations to ourselves)} If we don't apply, the leaves have insufficient water, and will shrivel in the sun. Without studying past inspiration, we'll have no root, and will be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. Balance the three. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

The 12th of July!

Unfortunately, I'll miss it. But there's some patriotism for you! :D 

 Elder William Kevin Black